Previous Conferences

After the good experience of PyDays Vienna 2017, PyDays Vienna 2018 and PyDays Vienna 2019, the Python community Vienna came up with the idea to organise another Python conference in 2025. 2017-2019 was well done. It was a place to exchange knowledge about Python and its uses, an opportunity to meet like-minded people, a place to learn from each other, an opportunity to discuss the latest trends, and most of all it was an event to have a good time! PyDays Vienna 2017-2019 was hosted by Linuxwochen Wien at FH Technikum Wien (University of Applied Sciences Wien).

See here for some footage from:

PyDay Vienna conference 2017

Photos 2017 (CC-BY-NC-SA)

SciPyWomen and PyDays 2018

Also take a look at our schedule from our previous summits:


  • Oh, I Found a Security Issue (Markus Holtermann, Florian Apolloner)
  • Teach Python to (Your) Children (Horst Jens)
    (links from speech at PyConSK but i am sure its nearly the same speech)
  • Using Python for industrial prototypes (Artem Revenko)
  • Python Automation – A Case Study (Maciej Skorski)
  • Wie alle bei Open-Source mitspielen können (Christoph Schindler)
  • Cardiac image analysis in Python (Jan Margeta)
  • This is Plone (Johannes Raggam)
  • Integration of Geoprocessing Tools in QGIS (Anita Graser)
  • Workshop: Natural Language Processing in Journalism (Yian Shang)
  • Algorithmic Trading with asyncio (Vita Smid)
  • Topic Modelling and Text Analysis with Gensim (Bhargav Srinivasa)
  • Writing Code Analysis the Easy Way (Lasse Schuirmann)
  • 4 Steps to a Project Your Users Will Love (Sebastian Latacz)
  • Async Web development, present day (Anton Caceres)
  • Parallel Computing with Dask (Christian Aichinger)
  • GitMate (Fabian Neuschmidt)
  • Lessons from dockerizing a Python service (Sebastian Nozzi)
  • Migration to Python 3 in Finance (Thomas Aglassinger)
  • SageMath and Cython (Harald Schilly)
  • Workshop: Text Analysis with Gensim (Bhargav Sirinivasa)
  • Linespots (Maximilian Scholz)
  • Practical machine learning for everyday web apps (Dražen Lučanin)
  • The Perfect Home (Thomas Moser)


first day 04.05.2018
  • Python for Social Good (Dražen Lučanin)
  • ZODB: A graph database for Python Developers (Christopher Lozinski)
  • Guidance for Successful SaaS Architecture in Python (Armin Ronacher)
  • Python on the blockchain (Daniel McDonald)
  • Reproducible data science using virtual environments (Clemens Zauchner, Günther Doppelbauer)
  • Python and Web Sockets(Anton Caceres)
  • Machine Learning on Source Code (Vadim Markovtsev)
  • Tracking Reproducible Revisions in PostgreSQL with Psycopg2 (Miroslav Šedivý)
  • Analyzing GitHub, how developers change programming languages over time (Waren Long)
  • Pyware – A generic Pythonic REST API client (Duc-Hung Le)
  • Easy Wardriving with IoT(Martin Schmiedecker)
  • Selinon – Distributed dynamic task flows(Fridolín Pokorný)
  • Pragmatic Introduction to Python Unit Testing(Workshop)
  • GNU Radio Where Python meets radio waves (Pero)
  • Open Election Data API with Django (Offene Wahlen AT) (Stefan Kasberger)
  • Python in Game Development(Thomas Perl)
  • Machine vision in Python (Jan Margeta)
  • Autotrading with a synthetic market: AI-driven back-testing environment (Larisa Chizhova)
  • Humanizing among coders (Ana Balica)
  • Distributing Machine Learning Tasks with Python (Matt)
  • Data Science App Development with Jupyter (Barbara Pretzner (Exputec))
second day 05.05.2018
  • Washing away code smells (Yenny Cheung)
  • Industrial Machine Learning (Alejandro Saucedo)
  • Introductory Data Analysis with Python(Christine Koppelt, Stefan Seelmann) (Workshop)
  • Transitioning a research group and laboratory to using Python (Christoph Buchner)
  • Enterprise CMS mit Plone 5.1 Ein Überblick: UI, OOTB-Features, Erweiterung, Anpassung (Jens W. Klein)
  • Unicode Or why py3k was necessary (Lukas Prokop)
  • Feeding a real-time user interface (Vita Smid)
  • Teaching AI about Human Knowledge (Ines Montani)
  • Python & QML bringing the best of both worlds together (Lukas Hetzenecker)
  • A Mindblowing Number of Tiny Pixels (
  • Analysing natural languge feedback using Python (Thomas Aglassinger)
  • Deploying Python with Docker, CircleCI, and Kubernetes (Matt) Workshop
  • Fooling the Computer Eye Manipulating images to make an algorithm misclassify them (L. Gjeltema)
  • PoolParty APIs (Artem Revenko)
  • Unsafe at Any Speed (Rae Knowler)
  • Deploying your application with Ansible or: Keep your hands away from the console (Florian Apolloner)
  • How to fail at teaching Python Insights of 12 years of teaching Python to children of all ages (Horst JENS)
  • ReportBro: Python Reporting Toolkit PDF and Excel reports for the web (Alexander Hartmann)
  • Cloud-native Python Running Python apps on Openshift (Vadim Rutkovsky)


first day 03.05.2019
  • import bacon The standard library modules you never knew you needed (Ivana Kellyerova) slides:
  • asyncio introduction & exercises (Martin Natano,Ivana Kellyerova) files/slides: asyncio workshop: (all 4 files are interesting, there’s the slides as well as the exercises and solutions)
  • Hi *AI, do you speak Python? (Kamila Stępniowska)
  • Semantic Containers for Data Mobility (Christoph Fabianek)
  • Free Stuff For Devs (Stefan Karner, Georg Petz)
  • Intro to Python Ctypes(Philipp Schindler)
  • The Apprentices Enthusiastic Guide to pandas (Ingrid)
  • Compiling for fun and profit! (Dario Meloni)
  • MovingPandas (Anita Graser)
  • Introduction to Reinforcement Learning (Daniel Pasterk)
  • Lightning Talk: An Electron Printer for Masks (Thomas König)
  • From Jupyter notebook to worldwide use (Patrick Sagmeister)
  • Analysing 200 Years of Political Debate (Maryam Ahmed)
  • Lies they told you about OOP (Janos Pasztor)
  • Surpassing the R vs Python dogma (Clemens Zauchner, Dana Jomar)
  • Bias in AI (Katrin Strasser)
  • Hydrogen & Pweave – A better Jupyter Notebook? (Christoph Bodner)
  • Distributed computing with Ray (Jan Margeta)
  • Women in Tech Initiatives Meetup (jackie)
  • Co-Mentoring Program Women on Data (Mari Plaza, Laura Vana)
second day 04.05.2019
  • Typos Correction in Code Identifiers (Irina Khismatullina)
  • Detection of precipitating clouds based on optical satellite sensors using Machine Learning (Apostolos Giannakos)
  • Using the micro:bit to inspire students (Luke Spademan)
  • Building a Bitcoin trading bot in Python (Anton Pirker)
  • Introduction to Information Security with Python (Carina Karner)
  • How to fake properly (Rainer Schuettengruber)
  • Lightning Talk: Python LikeABosch (Martin Schmiedecker)
  • Die Krux mit der Kryptografie – Alles eine Frage der Implementierung? (Maha Sounble)
  • Python Beginner Workshop Get to learn the language (Thomas Perl)
  • Refactoring in Python (Tin)
  • Get native with Cython (Stefan Behnel)
  • nibbler Runtime bytecode optimisation (Philip Trauner)
  • A Day Has Only 24±1 Hours (Miroslav Šedivý)
  • Helpful logging with Python (Thomas Aglassinger)
  • Deploying Python with Docker, CircleCI, and Kubernetes (Matt)
  • Mypy: do you even type, buddy? (Philipp Konrad)
  • Lint your code responsibly! (Ania Kapuścińska)